
Do you know the history of Japanese Bamboo?

Japanese bamboo is a plant that does not come to the surface for the first seven years, but surprisingly, after these seven years, it grows more than thirty meters in only six weeks. During the first seven years the bamboo is dedicated to develop and strengthen the roots, which will be the ones that will make it grow so much in such a short time.

We live in a society in which everything happens in a hurry and we have become accustomed to quick solutions and immediate triumphs; and the human being, so often impatient, does not seem to understand that results often take time to arrive, that the fruits of our sowing do not come overnight or that true success is simply the result of internal growth and that it requires time. This is what the story of the bamboo teaches us; once again metaphorically showing us how we are part of nature, beings created with the same elements of matter that make up our planet; here we live and are nourished. However, we have lost our memory, we forget that we are part of the earth, that we are connected to it and to our fellow men and that from it we must learn that everything that is important and worthwhile in life, requires a germination time; yes, that’s right. We are not only talking about planting a tree, we are talking about undertaking, changing habits, quitting a vice, overcoming breakups, changing profession or job; the bad news is that not all people have such level of perseverance to the point of giving up before reaching their goals. People, like the good bamboo, need years to develop and strengthen our internal roots that will be a solid foundation to take off later in a robust and fast way; it is for all this and the great teachings that nature gives us that we decided to call this start Roots. 

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is our first Capsule full of challenges, of learning, of obstacles, but also full of care, of love, of courage, because we know that there is nothing better than a good anchor to support us in any storm.

Roots allows us to express and communicate our essence as a brand, our process as entrepreneurs and the vision of the world we want to share in order to join forces and change the world one by one.

The figure of the root is perfect to tell how we decided to take action with an idea that would allow us to share with the world our love for animals, nature and responsible fashion. We watered this seed with hard work, research of materials and environmentally responsible processes. At this stage other people joined us, contributing nutrients to strengthen our roots and the moment of germination, being other people joined in, contributing nutrients to strengthen our roots and the moment of germination, being generous with their knowledge to help us to be sustainable and adding their enthusiasm to this dream that today bears fruit: Rescue and its first collection.

At Rescue

we are committed to comfort and functionality, to an adventurous and empathetic spirit, but above all to love nature, to question how we can try to improve consumption habits, how to contribute to reduce environmental damage and how to eradicate animal abuse. 

Another way to fertilize our roots and strengthen them, in addition to anchoring them to principles and values, is the use of recovered pet and cotton, which allow us to transform and reuse these materials in order to continue protecting our mother earth. 

Roots is our way of turning a garment into a voice. Timeless and functional fashion. In Rescue we think of all these concepts and moments; our garments are thought and developed in tones that nature gives us; but especially the roots; tones and designs that make the basic something special.

Leggins, tops, unisex t-shirts, and joggers are part of this first collection with which we harvest our efforts and present our essence. 

This collection invites us to rethink and search in our DNA, which are the roots that connect us with the love for animals and for every living being that inhabits the planet, with messages of love, kindness, spirituality that breathe love for life and for change. The invitation is to germinate with Roots that reconnect us with nature, with animals, with other humans and with ourselves, because before pointing to others or thinking that the solution is in others and is external, the first step to protect life is to recognize ourselves as natural beings. To do this, it is necessary to pause, take a deep breath, recognize the spirit of life in the air and appropriate it to start lightly on a path towards the adoption of new daily habits that will mitigate the impact of human beings on the environment. 

Essence 2

Oh! and when you despair because despite the effort you are making the results do not seem to come, remember this beautiful legend of the Japanese bamboo. Keep in mind that you are creating those roots that will allow that, in due time, the result will come to light. 

2 thoughts on “Roots.”

  1. Me encanta todo, de verdad que hermosa la iniciativa, la historia, todo el proceso, las felicito y les deseo el mayor de los éxitos… Quiero mi camisaaa!!!

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